Just half a day left – free is always good


As the beautiful weather here is winding down and rain looks to be setting in I think about the idea of kicking back and reading a book.  Since I’ve sworn off books until I meet my writing goals, I hope everyone else is getting a chance to enjoy a book. 

With only a half a day left, make sure your friends get a chance of a free e-book; I need to live vicariously as I kick out my end of the deal…finishing the second book.  Good thing Rise of a Queen works so well as a stand-alone right?

You can get your copy of Rise of a Queen on Amazon, if you don’t have a Kindle there is an awesome Kindle app that can be downloaded

direct links to US and UK 

An Interview with Becket, Author of The Blood Vivicanti

Completely fascinating! It is a must for me to pass on

...and then there was Sarah

BecketI am pleased to welcome Becket, author of The Blood Vivicanti, for an interview. You may be most familiar with Becket on his Facebook page, where he talks about his job as Anne Rice’s personal assistant, his awe-inspiring years living in a New Orleans monastery, and his love of everything geek. Now, Becket can add “author” to his list of life experiences as he introduces us to the first of six installments in the serial novel, The Blood Vivicanti. The serial involves an entirely new and unique set of blood-drinkers, which were born of a collaboration between Becket and Anne Rice.

I hope you enjoy my interview with the charming and lovely Becket, who, on top of everything else, is just an all-around awesome guy to chat with. And thank you, Becket, for stopping by!

Stay tuned after the interview for my review of The Blood Vivicanti

View original post 1,816 more words

Day 2 in full swing – Don’t forget your free e-copy of Rise of a Queen

Day one has been a great eye opener and a wonderful social mixer if I may add.  I’m still new at this media thing, but those who have watched me take those first baby steps into the scary world of social media, especially blogging, will tell you that I have come a long way and still have a lot to learn.

And with that, I’m giving the last day of my promotion my gift of word.  Rise of a Queen is still up on Amazon for anybody to download for free, my treat.  Just read, share with friends, please write any kind of review you want (I am not fluent in Klingon so I don’t think that would help anybody that much) whether good or bad; I got big girl britches on so I’m ready for the punches.  In a perfect world I’d live with 5 star reviews, millions of readers, author interviews lined up for the next few months……but yeah who are we kidding?  Lets go for any review, get the word out if you like what I write about and keep it going.  

You can get your copy of Rise of a Queen on Amazon

direct links to US and UK 

Reflection on why I do what I do – winding down day one of promotions

For all those who grabbed an e-copy of Rise of a Queen on the first day of the promotion I hope you’ve jumped into it or getting it set for the lovely Labor Day holiday weekend. Don’t forget to tell your friends before the promotion is over because I honestly write because I love to do so. I love to entertain, I love to fill the brains with something besides the ooey gooey spaghetti that sloshes around in them sometimes, although I haven’t written a zombie book yet so that may be something on the table for later. *pushes plate of spaghetti away*.  



Anyway, what was I saying? Oh I remember, sharing what I’ve written. To be a writer, a person really has to love what they are doing. Most artists do. Why? Because we usually don’t make a big steaming plop of Monopoly money like a lot of people who may have chosen something else for their career. Actually most authors tend to hold what we call “day jobs” those things you push through so you can rush home and jot down those ideas that kicked through that 10 a.m.  meeting you were supposed to pay attention to. Yeah, I’ve been there and done that. Personally I do it because I can’t help it. No matter what I do, there is always something to be written down no matter how much it makes sense at the time or if it is even something other than random words put together by what may seem like silly string. Do you know the oddest thing? All the stress it can cause, all the research that has to be done (and oh so much research that’s going on for me right now I feel like I’m back at University), all the beta readers with wonderful feedback, the editing process done 10x or more; it makes me happy in the end. I’ve finished it. I did my hardest to make it something I wanted to share with the world. I’m not perfect by any means, and you if you caught some of my earlier drafts the giggles that would have come out of your belly would have been funny to see, but I am passionate about my work. Isn’t that what it really comes down to? My passion? No, not THAT kind……10 foot pole; wrong author on that subject. The passion of imagination, storytelling, visualizing every scene in my mind long before I can even put it on paper. Every bit of it makes my heart beat at it fullest. That is why I am happy to hear when people like what they have read from me (even my little jots of old school poetry or deep thoughts on another blog) and tell me so. I also, honestly, adore criticism. For one, it reminds me that I am human and that I do make mistakes and maybe what I’ve written is just not their cup of tea. Things I say, or write, can be confusing or just done terribly. I would love to know all of that because I can never grow without that kind of criticism.

Okay, so enough of my getting all mooshy and talking about my big love for writing, I will leave you with my hopes of your enjoyment of a small piece of me in Rise of a Queen and I’ll bounce up out of here. I’ve got a promotion to run 🙂

Day 1 is here for Free Download

Weeeeee and the promotion kicks off.  Go ahead and download Rise of a Queen, you know, cause you love me and want to give me warm virtual hugs, and get something free for the big 3 day weekend about to come up (in the US that is).  If you’re outside the US, no worries, your Amazon has the ebook available there also.

You could always download it to give me a big virtual hug or check out my previous ANNOUNCEMENT  on the upcoming promotion.  I would say it would be a good post to see all my happiness, well wishes, and wisdom but we know the wisdom part is a lie.  All things wise in my word turn into wisea……..anyway.  check it out and check  out the  free book while you’re at it


What next?

Now that I have announced my upcoming promotion in regard to my free e-book download I feel the need to stare at my blog space and think hard…..maybe too hard.  I feel the need to say something so witty, so profound that it will go down in the books as the best post ever in the entire universe.

Well, that’s never going to happen and I would self-check myself into any ward that would take me if I thought that grande.

Instead we’ll go with something simple. maybe two, maybe three off the wall ideas that float off the top of my head.  I wish I could invoke George Carlin at this very moment since he is known to just pull up single ideas and turn it into rolling ball of laughter and deep thought.


We will go with The Dog Days of Summer. I began in one southern state that was so hot and humid before the official beginning of summer I was afraid what was in store for me.  Then I moved (Still in the Southeast US) and it became glorious.  My allergies cleared up, the days were cooler, the humidity didn’t have me gasping for air, and I have sidewalks.  YES SIDEWALKS.  I’m not quite certain Alabama really understands what a sidewalk is unless its downtown, and even then they are as cracked as the terrible streets they are parallel to.  As Summer slowly rolls down I am now getting some heat push-back, but one thing is that its not raining; that has happened a lot.  I had to check the address to make sure I hadn’t moved back to the UK.  ANYWAY—–see I lose all sense of direction when I think hard—–time will be changing, fall will be coming, I will welcome the brisk wind on my face, the pumpkin spice in the air (waiting for the Latte’s, but really can’t wait to make my cheesecakes), the quiet nights sitting on my porch, cup of tea in hand and just looking up to the sky through the ever changing rainbow of leaves.  I do miss this part of the country, the beauty of autumn.  So what is the equivalent of Dog Days of Summer?


2 Day Promotion: Rise of a Queen e-book free Aug 30-31st, get it while you can

As I have been making a few changes to heading strictly to Amazon Kindle for a while I wanted to give a good back to school gift (that is for the parent’s that are jumping up and down their children are back in school) and a wee bit early Labor Day for the United States by making my book free for August 30th and 31st. Rise of a Queen will be free for download to Kindle and Kindle app’s


USUK, for all other countries look up Rise of a Queen.  The 0 is a great number and a great thing to take advantage of.  I do ask one big thing.  If you’ve download it for free, please leave a review to let others know your thoughts on the book and a nod to me that you enjoyed getting the free gift.


Kindle Lending Library!!!!!

If you’re an Amazon Prime member, take advantage.  Rise of a Queen (Book 1 Vampire Realm Series) should be sitting right there for you to borrow.

 Read the book, love/hate the book (lets go for love but I won’t hate you if it goes the other direction), review the book, and share with your friends.  



Last chance to get Rise of a Queen for Nook

It won’t be long and I’ll be strictly Amazon bound, so if you have a Nook, take advantage and grab Rise of a Queen or tell your friends, if you enjoyed the book.  

You can go directly to from here to get to them.

Relaunch on Amazon as sole distributor will happen quite shortly.

When Life Hands you Lemons

you’re supposed to make lemonade right?

Well what in the world happens when you hate lemonade?  Do you give up?  Do you pout, kick the ground, head down and say “Good Grief?  How do you handle confrontation or bad things?

Each part of my life has had its ups and down, plenty of them.  That life book would be thicker than any series I could write.  Things follow me, I believe, sometimes good and sometimes bad.  The point is, I don’t like lemonade.  I like orange juice, pineapple juice, but I absolutely am disgusted by lemonade.  What does one do?  Keep on truckin’ is what’s happened so far, feelings hurt, drama bound to happen, or the ever flowing feeling of drama, sadness, betrayal, loneliness, confusion, etc…..That is life.

Then I look at what I have accomplished and what has made me today (for only a short moment because that is quite fleeting) And those I care about go through so much more (I love you Ionia and will make sure to eat my minion cupcake in your honor this weekend, I would ship it but that would be a mess), or things that I can relate to.

So with my nose plugged and ready for the ick factor, I guzzle the lemonade as quickly as possible hoping it has a magical cure, maybe full of enough Mana to heal the broken down part of me.

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