Character Profile: Emma

A child born into a world ruled by the night on the side of rebellion. She knew nothing of the world that was before the vampires took over. She knew nothing of her bloodline, the history it had, and the future it would bring. All she understood was that she loved her mother, missed her father, was protected by her brother and uncle, and hated the vampires. She hated them for tearing her family apart; ripping her father apart. What started out with fear and unknowing turned into nothing but loathing, malevolence, and disdain. She hated the vile creatures that murdered her father and split her family apart. She loved her family and it was because of her family, ALL of them, that she felt so much hate.

Her mother, Melinda, was the one person that she idolized and was determined to always be by her side. She looked past everything about her and wanted nothing more than to be just like her. With a severed connection and her longing for the human life she was promised by the rebellion her will and determination became stronger as the years ticked on.

When Queen Tessa brought them into her home and under her protection protection Emma held strong to all those feelings, never once did she forget who she was or where she came from. She knew that her role in the destruction of the vampires would be important and that the humans would be on the winning side once more; all she had to do was bide her time and wait for a sign.

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  1. This sounds like a really interesting character. Honestly, she strikes me as the character that will get the surprisingly large fan-following and overshadow the others.

    • She is somewhat minor in the first book but her feeling, emotions, goals; they are all there. She will probably become one of the fave’s in book two that is for sure. I ended up bringing her character alive much more than I really expected.


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