Just half a day left – free is always good


As the beautiful weather here is winding down and rain looks to be setting in I think about the idea of kicking back and reading a book.  Since I’ve sworn off books until I meet my writing goals, I hope everyone else is getting a chance to enjoy a book. 

With only a half a day left, make sure your friends get a chance of a free e-book; I need to live vicariously as I kick out my end of the deal…finishing the second book.  Good thing Rise of a Queen works so well as a stand-alone right?

You can get your copy of Rise of a Queen on Amazon, if you don’t have a Kindle there is an awesome Kindle app that can be downloaded

direct links to US and UK 

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  1. That would be a wonderful if I had a Kindle.
    I love your eyes! hugs,blessings ; )

    • Kindle apps work great on PC’s and ipods/iphone/droids. I tend to always have one at my fingertips, but thank you for the good thoughts, and the compliment 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your weekend


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